The methods used to solve linear system of equations using Gauss elimination and its sub methods are called direct methods. The methods in which approximation is applied to find the true solutions is called indirect or iterative method.
Gauss Seidel Iteration Method is a successive corrections as each component is replaced by a corresponding new approximation as soon as it has been computed.
The linear equation Ax = b can be substituted with
A = I + L + U
where I is the n x n unit matrix and L and U are, respectively, lower and upper triangular matrices with zero main diagonals.
(I + L + U)x = b
x = b - Lx - Ux
is the mth approximation
is the (m+1)th approximation
An iteration method, Gauss Jacob iteration also known as simultaneous corrections in which no component of an new approximation is used until all the components of have been computed.